Coming Up On

Coming soon on I’ll have something a few things going on BUT….

First things first, I want to deeply think everyone who came to Max’s burial. I was amazed. For me, especially, I was taken aback by all the people from the Process Department from where I work. Some of them I spoke to often, some only sometimes, some only nods, and some not for years, but it was so classy them showing up.  These are people of all races, religions, creeds, and all that, and it proves to me that there’s good in everyone.

Next thing I’ll post here is something called Team Max. These are pictures of people holding signs supporting my baby Max, mostly requisitioned by my really great friend Amber Pierce (now Cessac, but old habits…) This includes the nurses that took him in, the doctors that coordinated his C-section, random people, etc.

If you want yourself holding a picture that says “I Heart Max” or somesuch, please e-mail to [email protected]. I don’t know, it’s sort of stupid, but kinda nice I think.

Also I’ll throw on some funeral pictures.  The flowers and everything were beautiful. But now my 700 square foot apartment is left with a veritable rainforest.

Maybe, just maybe, I’ll put on my funeral speech. Somehow I went 14+ minutes never getting nervous and just talking from the heart. It was emotional.

For those who have known me (Michael Tworzydlo, EndlessMike03) longer: I had a blog called for years. Like 7 plus years at this point. I “ended” it once news of Max being in the womb and doing good came out, but since his passing I wanted somewhere to vent that wouldn’t destroy the sanctity of, so for all your interests, please go to

It’s Not Safe For Everyone but they are the current thoughts of a grieving semi-intellectual father so take that how you will.

Again thanks for everyone and anyone who reads,
My main mission statement right now is Appreciate your kids. Just appreciate them and do your best to take care of them. You know they don’t come easy.

Max’s Funeral Slideshow

I needed a sweet ass slideshow for my son’s funeral, so I had to go OLD SCHOOL with it.

Like when I used to win awards and get 5,000 of youtube likes for my work on the Double Effect Evaporator.

I pull-started the old windows movie maker again and came up with this badboy.

Call music copywrited blah, blah, my baby died, leave me alone.

Max The Baby’s Funeral

Max the Baby will have his funeral at Memorial Oaks Funeral Home & Cemetary at 13001 Katy Fwy, Houston, TX 77079.

The viewing starts at 10:00AM SHARP! And then burial will be graveside at 11:00AM.

Here’s their website:

His plot will be in what they call BabyLand. I hope it means he has lots of spirit friends to play with. And only nice spirits. Not like when Casper the Ghost had those 3 mean ghosts that bullied him. None of that here.

Funny cool thing, his gravesite is within seeing distance of the Foster Wheeler building where we work! So we can watch over him all day and vice versa.

Also, they said it’s cool if we want to take him out later when we’re closer to dying so he can be buryied with us for all eternity. So we got that going for us, which is nice.

I added a guestbook feature to the page if anyone wants to write anything or leave condolences.

To be honest, I don’t expect a memorial site to be on the top of someone’s favorites list for a while, but I’ll add new content like after the funeral, etc., and I’ll probably end up venting some here about what it’s like to lose a child, and the experiences in the NICU, and all that, so if you’re into reading about misery, you might like it.

– Michael

Max The Baby

Max The Baby was a very good little baby. Everyone loved him so much even though he didn’t really talk or anything. He was born on May 14th because he wasn’t getting enough good nutrition in the womb. He was a little baby, 1lb 1oz, but he was a good boy that could breathe on his own and make an awesome mean face. His dad saw when they pulled him out and he had a great scowl, living up to his nickname of Mad Max. He was doing a good job growing and gaining weight and pooping in the NICU. He liked to open his eyes and look around and lay on his mommy’s chest and grab people’s hands. He liked his nurses too because they were usually nice and loved him and called him Mighty Max and made him nice name signs. One day when they were taking care of him his heart rate went down and wouldn’t come back up when they tried different things. I think maybe he maybe was tired of the NICU and wanted to go up to Heaven. He was such a perfect little boy and never did anything bad to everyone. He will watch over everyone that was nice to him. He was young but he had more hospital time and blood transfusions and different little medical things than most people – meaning he was super strong. He had a friend that was a little screaming monkey that stayed in his room. Max The Baby is an amazing boy that we’ll always think about and love.